A Passion for Books

For as long as I can remember I have loved books. They can be fascinating, transforming and absolutely life-changing. Never before though have books impacted my life as much as since I joined BookWise. Who would have thought that I'd turn my passion for books into an extra income stream. Wow!

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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Train To Poteva...And my own memories

From the moment I started reading "A Train To Potevka" I was hooked and couldn't put it down. I love spy novels and I am an avid 007 fan. But to me, it was more than a spy novel, it was a walk down memory lane.

While I never visited Russia, although I would have loved to, (well, not the Soviet Union, but the Russia how it was in the olden days under the Czar) reading the book brought back sweet memories of the time when my husband and I first dated, back in Germany.

When Randy and I met, he was a young Captain in the US Armee, stationed at Graves Kaserne in Aschaffenburg, Germany, my hometown. Everything about him was exciting and fascinating. Military life was fascinating. So many new impressions, so much to take in.

I had forgotten the feelings I felt in certain situations...until...I read "A Train To Potevka" and the chapter where Mike Ramsdell describes his experiences as a young Lieutenant in Bavaria, Germany. Some of the places he describes I have visited also...and if it wasn't for me dating my husband back then, I may have never visited them. It was also Randy who brought me to Heidelberg and who made me take part in my very first (and last) Volksmarch. Oftentimes we take things for granted if we are natives and we don't appreciate them as much as those visiting.

Because of all these memories, "A Train To Potevka" will have a special place in my heart and on my bookshelf. It has been a very suspenseful book, one which I will certainly read again and again.

A Train To Potevka will take you on an incredible winter's journey across Great Mother Russia along the 6,000-mile Trans-Siberian Railway. This fascinating story about an American intelligence agent from a small town in the Rockies, is a tale of failed espionage, escape, and second chances.

You can buy it at a discount at my bookstore.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I finally read "The Christmas Box"

I told you in an earlier post, that when I was still living in Germany, I was reading every English book I could get my hands on...and that that was actually the reason I met my husband. (You find that story under the title "Love is...")

Well, when we moved back to the US after being stationed in Bremerhaven, Germany, it was just the opposite. I was hungry for German books because I was so homesick. Now you can't find many books written in German in the bookstores over here, just like I couldn't find that many books written in English over in Germany in the "olden days" ;o) So, I did the same thing as before. I put an ad into a magazine looking for anyone in Germany to trade paperbacks with me. (They would send me books in German, and I would send them books in English in return.)

That's how I met my friend Liz from Bad Cannstadt near Stuttgart 15 years ago. Liz would send me books of my favorite German authors and I in return would send her books of her favorite English authors. It worked out great and we even continued to exchange books for several years after Amazon came along. It wasn't just books anymore either that went across the ocean as we had grown pretty close as friends. It started off with letters, then faxes, then emails and now we skype each other on a regular basis.

But anyway, what I wanted to tell you is, that a few years back I sent "The Christmas Box" by Richard Paul Evans as a Christmas present to Liz. I had no idea back then, that I would one day meet him in person, let alone be in business together with him.

Well in May of last year I joined BookWise which is Richard Paul Evans' brainchild and a wonderful home-based business. And in October I was fortunate enough to meet him at the First BookWise Annual Convention in Salt Lake City. I asked him to autograph a copy of "The Christmas Box" back then which I wrapped up and put under the tree as my Christmas present to myself.

Once I started reading it, I could not put it down and read it in one setting. I forgot the advice to read it with a box of Kleenex' nearby though. When I remembered, it was too late. What a wonderful story!

You can find it in my bookstore here: www.ShopBookWise.com Just type it into the search box.

And remember to have a box of Kleenex nearby.


Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!


To all my friends who visit this blog...

I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas, a wonderful Holiday Season and many blessings throughout the coming year!

May there be peace on earth!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Quotes about books and reading

I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book. _Groucho Marx

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it is hard to read. _Groucho Marx

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. _Mark Twain

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. _Chinese Proverb

Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep, for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as the latter. _Paxton Hood

To acquire the habit of reading is to contruct for yourself a refuge from almost all of the miseries of life. _W. Somerset Maugham

If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what book he reads. _Ralph Waldo Emerson

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends: they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers. _Charles W. Eliot

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island. _Walt Disney

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. _Dr. Seus

Thursday, July 19, 2007

For those who've never seen a book...

I thought this was pretty funny. Enjoy!

"Introducing the book"
(Click the picture)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I had no idea I had a "money and success blueprint".

Wow! Finding out that I had a personal "money and success blueprint" ingrained in my subconscious mind really blew me away. Learning that this blueprint will determine my financial live was really eye opening. I was often wondering why, although I worked so hard, I never seemed to be able to reach the success I wanted. It seemed to be so easy for some people, however I struggled and I couldn't find out why. I was ready to give up and just settle for whatever I would get...until...I read this book.

"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth", by T. Harv Eker

I don't think I ever read a book as fast as this one. Right from the start there were so many "aha moments". I kept thinking, "yep, that's me alright." How could I change anything before if I didn't even know what it was that I was doing wrong.

Since I have started to apply the "Wealth Principles" in this book my life is changing. I highly recommend this book to anyone young or old and especially married couples. If you are fighting about money your financial blueprints don't match. Read this book it may just save your marriage.

Monday, July 9, 2007

What hidden talents are in YOU?

It's amazing what a bit of confidence can do.
Watch the video below...you'll be speechless.

After watching the video above, please go here for
the rest of the story...