A Passion for Books

For as long as I can remember I have loved books. They can be fascinating, transforming and absolutely life-changing. Never before though have books impacted my life as much as since I joined BookWise. Who would have thought that I'd turn my passion for books into an extra income stream. Wow!

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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I finally read "The Christmas Box"

I told you in an earlier post, that when I was still living in Germany, I was reading every English book I could get my hands on...and that that was actually the reason I met my husband. (You find that story under the title "Love is...")

Well, when we moved back to the US after being stationed in Bremerhaven, Germany, it was just the opposite. I was hungry for German books because I was so homesick. Now you can't find many books written in German in the bookstores over here, just like I couldn't find that many books written in English over in Germany in the "olden days" ;o) So, I did the same thing as before. I put an ad into a magazine looking for anyone in Germany to trade paperbacks with me. (They would send me books in German, and I would send them books in English in return.)

That's how I met my friend Liz from Bad Cannstadt near Stuttgart 15 years ago. Liz would send me books of my favorite German authors and I in return would send her books of her favorite English authors. It worked out great and we even continued to exchange books for several years after Amazon came along. It wasn't just books anymore either that went across the ocean as we had grown pretty close as friends. It started off with letters, then faxes, then emails and now we skype each other on a regular basis.

But anyway, what I wanted to tell you is, that a few years back I sent "The Christmas Box" by Richard Paul Evans as a Christmas present to Liz. I had no idea back then, that I would one day meet him in person, let alone be in business together with him.

Well in May of last year I joined BookWise which is Richard Paul Evans' brainchild and a wonderful home-based business. And in October I was fortunate enough to meet him at the First BookWise Annual Convention in Salt Lake City. I asked him to autograph a copy of "The Christmas Box" back then which I wrapped up and put under the tree as my Christmas present to myself.

Once I started reading it, I could not put it down and read it in one setting. I forgot the advice to read it with a box of Kleenex' nearby though. When I remembered, it was too late. What a wonderful story!

You can find it in my bookstore here: www.ShopBookWise.com Just type it into the search box.

And remember to have a box of Kleenex nearby.


Happy New Year!